Marching Band

Marching band is a fall class where students participate in class and after school to support our athletic teams and perform on Saturday to compete in local competitions and for the SCBDA state championships.
Symphonic Band
Symphonic band is the primary performing group in the winter and spring. This group performs for school functions and SCBDA Concert Performance Assessment.

Jazz Band

Jazz band is an after school function that meets once a week to enhance their learning of the jazz repertoire. The group performs with the symphonic band during the winter and spring.
Color Guard

The Saluda High School color guard program is made up of two performing ensembles: the fall guard is an integral part of the marching band, while the winter guard program competes after marching band season ends. The ultimate goal of the program is to empower our students with a lifelong understanding and appreciation for music, dance and all the performing arts.The Saluda color guard is bringing beauty, strength, and power to the field and every performance.
Guard is an auxiliary unit which performs both with the band during marching season and on its own during Winter Guard season. It involves elements of dance, marching and equipment work (flags, sabres, and rifles). Color guard auditions are open to all interested students. No prior experience is required. Members are chosen by our color guard staff. The Saluda color guard is a remarkable group of people with a strong sense of connection and support for each other. Team spirit, outstanding directors, and a feeling of family make the Saluda color guard an incredible experience.